Love Some More

Love Some More

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

The Awakening Moment Spent......

There are those moments when you come to that rude awareness of your own sentience. Hey, you say. I am not a rock or a piece of PVC pipe. I am not a tree or a dust mop. I am a sentient being! I am aware of my own existence! And how utterly kickass that moment truly is.

You may carry this thought even further and say to yourself: what a magnificent, truly remarkable thing it is to be a living being, to even exist in the first place! How majestic the Universe and how large!

We were not owed a life, or a Universe. They just sort of happened, without our advice or consent.

And then you say: Oh, holy crap. I forgot to do the thing, and pay the bill, and call what’s-his-face. And there’s that moment of satori done with. And you better believe that the next one’ll be a long time coming, my friend.